Nov 27, 2009


Called up to check whether the salon is opening or not as today is a public holiday...

Me : Halo, I would like to do waxing. Are you available now?
She : Errrr... wait ar...
She : Now cannot wor, can you come at 1.30pm?
Me : Ok can, will come over at 1.30pm then.
She : What you wanna do ar?
Me : Half-leg waxing. 2 person ok?
She : HAR?? 2 person aar?? Then have to do one-by-one de wor...
Me : Of course you're going to do one-by-one, can you do for 2 person at a same time?!!

Yes I am mean.


Unknown said...

how much u did this? what shop u went?lol

Shangeetha said... ???

Zhongy said...

What's half-leg waxing? Wax half leg only? What is it for anyway?