Apr 21, 2009



我每天会很期待第二天的上班,6点起床,7点出门,8点之前踏入公司,9点才“正式”工作。工作时间中期待 lunch time,吃了午餐过后坐在我的座位上开始期待下班,下班时间到了以后,心中总是会有一阵恐慌... 这样又一天了吗?在那一瞬间,有种不想回家的感觉。回家以后,总要花一段时间发呆,好像发呆可以平复我的惶恐。容易为小事伤感,转眼却看到透过云层的光而微笑了起来。然后,睡觉时间到了,睡觉之前还是会期待第二天的上班... 日复一日... 情绪上的这些曲折,让我有些不胜负荷了...



the amazing kuli said...

i feel exactly the same way too.

am kinda toss in the feeling that i will be another salted fish with no dreams.


Anonymous said...

gal, u just worked for few months.... not few years....

u expect ur life is always like roller coaster?

u really cant find any meanings/values of doing rotating work?

if ur life is like a waveform, wat shape u expect it to be?

for me, i hope tat my life can be the combination of straight line, curve, triangle wave, parabola,

you? think about it.


yy said...

hi confused gal, lets gather more often and enjoy ourselves :) Life is too short to worry right?